Peach Clubhouse Newsletter-110425

Happy Easter all. I think you will really enjoy this, but with one caveat. The largest living thing on earth (contrary to what they say) is the whole earth ecosystem.

Much has happened, notably the movie Gasland made us wonder where the fracking is proposed in Texas – in relation to our sources of water. We want pure water coming out of our city and personal water wells. So now I have those maps at the Peach Clubhouse or you can get them from


Tuesday, April 26 at 6 pm, a Dalai Lama Renaissance, an amusing movie in which a group of powerful movers and shakers goes to visit His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, in Dharamsala.
Thursday, April 28, Peach clubhouse is closed
Friday, April 29, at 3 PM, in the meditation room at the Peach Clubhouse, the Brazos Insight Meditation Society will meet for meditation followed by discussion over a cup of green tea. You don’t have to sit on the floor. I usually don’t. But you can.

The first Tuesday night movie will be on May 3. The title is “In the Land of the Free,” and it is quite a grim story of the Angola 3. I think we can call this a local community concern, as is the Gas Fracking. More about that later.

Regular hours are Tuesday 9 to 4, Thursday 9 to 2, Friday 9 to 4. But the Peach Clubhouse will be closed during the second and third weeks of May.

Contemplation: Why do I get so upset when people bring our popular “aint-it-awful” mantra into the Peach Clubhouse? Well for one thing, I got the Peach clubhouse as a way to get away from toxic mantras. Because the constant contemplation of what we can not do results in — weakness — and what is worse, it offers up our personal power on the altar of the Corposystem. This blog and this house are all about our personal responsibility and power – not weakness. We have no guarantees in life, but our living earth is worth the effort to save her, no matter what. Everybody – please read “Powers of the Weak,” by Elizabeth Janeway. You can get it for seventeen cents on Amazon. And it’s on the shelf at the Peach Clubhouse. Chapter 11 discusses the first power of the weak. Disbelief. Not to believe their propaganda or our cultural acquiescence, without first examining all the alternative routes toward the common good. The second power is in community. There are plenty more that fly along under the radar. The trick is to look for them and then find ways to use them. There will be plenty of work for all.

Photo is of Robert King

Yesterday at the Peach Clubhouse

Yesterday we showed the movie “Bhutan, Gross National Happiness” as a follow-up to “Economics of Happiness.”  Both these movies describe different ways of organizing our lives around community values, but the examples they give are primarily drawn from Eastern cultures.  Another such effort, that is flourishing in the Western world, is the Transition Movement that began in England and has spread rapidly.  Rob Hopkins’ “Transition Handbook” describes the basics of organizing a community around local resources.  This book is available to read at the Peach clubhouse, and you can also find Rob Hopkins on UTube.  We also have Bill McKibben’s book “Deep Economy” in the Peachhouse library, that I think describes a year living outside the Corposystem.

But of course the real reason for the clubhouse is to gather everyone together to bring me ideas – either to add new ones to the idea-pool, or to squeeze out old ideas that I didn’t know were in there.  And yes indeed ideas abounded yesterday.

1- Lots of good input for the new series of podcasts and vidcasts.  What is life?  What do we need to live a good life?  How can we get it, right under the noses of those who are dedicated to destroy the good things we have grown together?  (If you doubt that see the last three paragraphs of Chomsky’s recent article on TomDispatch.)

2- What is the deep meaning of Miyazaki’s latest film “Carried Away?”  I’ve been trying to figure that out ever since I got the thing last year.  Miyazaki’s films always hit you with an important meaning (three of my favorites are Kiki, Grave of the Fireflies, Princess Mononoke) and now I think I have the key to Carried Away and will add it to our Tuesday night schedule, probably in June.  Carried Away is about the weakness of the Corposystem.

3- Why do I get so upset when people bring our popular “aint-it-awful” mantra into the Peach Clubhouse?  Well for one thing, I got the Peach clubhouse as a way to get away from toxic mantras, but — why so upset?    Because I want not even for one moment to support the myth that the Corposystem has the ability to keep from me the really good things that we have grown together in this country.  Ritualized chanting of anything engrains that thing into our subconscious.  We all know that.  Ritual chanting of “we can’t do – – –  “  results in — weakness — and what is worse, it offers up our personal power on the altar of the Corposystem.  This blog and this house are all about our personal responsibility and power – not weakness.

Everybody – please read “Powers of the Weak,” by Elizabeth Janeway.  You can get it for seventeen cents on Amazon.  What a bargain.    And it’s on the shelf at the Peach Clubhouse.  Chapter 11 discusses the first power of the weak.  Disbelief.  Not to believe their propaganda or our cultural acquiesence without first examining all the alternative routes toward the common good.  The second power is in community.  There are plenty more that fly along under the radar.

This afternoon (Friday) at 3 PM, in the meditation room at the Peach Clubhouse, the Brazos Insight Meditation Society will meet for meditation followed by discussion over a cup of green tea.  You don’t have to sit on the floor.  I usually don’t.  But you can.

Tomorrow, Saturday the 23rd, is work day at the Peach Clubhouse.  Goal is to get that workroom cleaned up so we can start making vidcasts.

Next movie is really quite amusing.  Tuesday April 26 at 6 pm, a Dalai Lama Renaissance, in which a group of powerful movers and shakers goes to visit His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, in Dharamsala.  The month of May will be a bit off schedule, because I am going to at least SEE the Dalai Lama in Arkansas.

So the first Tuesday night movie will be on May 3.  The title is “In the Land of the Free,” and it is quite a grim story of three people who have been kept in soliary confinement for most of 30 years each, for because they tried to stand for their civil rights.  More about that later.