Bare Bones Biology 179 – Culture Collapse

Here’s the problem with my statement of our problem.   Nearly every sentence needs to be defined and qualified so that people who are raised in a different world view ( will perceive the logic of it.  I’m working on that defining and qualifying, but it takes time and space.  Meantime, here is the outline:


1- Human survival is facing two immediate physical root problems, one related to Biosystem needs and the other related to human wants and wishes:


a.  overpopulation (note that to say “as the population grows” is not useful here because the growth is now in the final phases of exponential doubling (, please do watch this one) and will begin to decline as food availability declines.  It is not a question of “when” we run out of food.  We have already overgrazed the food supplies that Earth can produce (  These are things that can be measured.  Of course we can argue over anything, but it is not wise to argue over measurable facts because they eventually prove themselves and make us look foolish for wasting the time we could have been helping.


131122-crescentcity-ASC_7329RLSs            b.  we have grown a corposystem, our American political system, that is based on the corporate model (  toward the end of the post).  The corposystem evaluates itself (and everyone in it) by winning, that is dominating other people, and by profits.  This is not how the Biosystem functions.  Success, in Biosystem terms, is NOT based on winning or “survival of the fittest.”  It is based on the balance among all the necessary parts of Life.  All the millions of life cycles of earth. in equilibrium.  As it relates to us humans, we can simplify the necessary parts of Life as:  air, water, soil and food.  This is what we are destroying with our technologies and our populations.  All the other species of plants and animal (other than human I mean), working together, generate the balance of Life.  Therefore, as we destroy these other species in our search for more and ever more food — our air, water, soil and food supply continue to deteriorate.  In other words, we are committing suicide by our belief in our own omnipotence.


2- Human cultures historically have been “successful” (and note that none of them have been successful for very long) to the extent that they can balance human behavior within the resources provided by the Biosystem.  We have always had war, poverty, starvation, religions, spirituality, and degradation of bits of the Biosystem because of our human cultural choices.  Those things are caused by human cultural interactions, not by the unchanging Laws of Life.  We humans cannot change the Laws of Life; the other option is to put our money where our mouth is and change our choices.


131125-Cyd-ASC_7361RLSsThe reality is that our culture is in the collapsing stage because it is based on a non-sustainable model.  The FACT is that we cannot change the basic biology of how God (or whatever) created the Biosystem to function.  It was created; it does function.  It will not change in response to our opinions. Our obligation to Life and to other humans is to grow a biologically sustainable, reasonably comfortable way of life.  Our viable way to accomplish this is to change our culture so that our belief systems align sustainably with the unchanging, factual Laws of Life.  It’s not useful to point out that other people aren’t doing this.  The question is, are YOU fulfilling your obligation to Life.


Fighting among ourselves is of no benefit to anyone and causes great harm because we COULD be using that effort to ACTUALLY STUDY how the Biosystem functions and learn how to live within the Biosystem in a way that is sustainable.  Opinions do not change facts, and the tragedy is that the facts we need are available.


And we must change – or die.  Because that really is how the Law of Evolution works.


This is Bare Bones Biology, a production of FactFictionFancy and KEOS radio, 89.1 FM in Bryan Texas.  A podcast of this program is available at:

, please do watch this one  toward the end of the post